Sunday, January 20, 2008

Great free downloads from our friend at Major Geeks

Must have FREE downloads
MajorGeeks is here to help you get the most out of your computer mainly by offering tools to the beginner or advanced user (hopefully you someday). Try not to be overwhelmed, just take it one step at a time. Your hosts (Jim and Tim) are both self taught, as are many of our visitors. Many of the files found here give you a nice interface and even explain things for you in simple terms.

Read A Little: March over to the Support Forum, read or ask questions and learn a little about the lingo. Its a great place to ask questions you might normally be afraid to ask. We have some great people there who are always glad to help. There are literally years of questions archived on the forum. You do not need to register there to read messages, only to post or use advanced features. The overwhelming majority of visitors to the forums never register or post, but still find the answers they need.


Daniel Wrench said...


Anonymous said...

Wow guys this is great. I have been looking for a safe place to get free downloads. I signed up for the forum today and they told me how to fix a problem in my MS word. Very helpful and nice people. Thanks for the link!